PI Tutorials



LEVEL: Beginners

MAIN TOOLS USED: ZMerge Tool: Path Tools: Transform Tools

TERMS OF USE: Please Read - Thank You!

French flag French Brazilian flag Portuguese (Brazil)
The finished pic


Draw the circles

Path Edit Tool

Fill Settings

Filled Rings

Rotate in Virtual 3D

The rotated Rings


1. Open a new canvas - 300W x 300 pixels - background colour black.

2. Using the Path Tool - Shape-Circle: Color-White: Mode 2D draw a circle approximately 250W x 250H pixels.

3. Change the Mode to Continue Draw and draw another circle within the first.

(If necessary Click on the Path Tools/Path Edit Tool and move the inner ring so that it is in the centre of the first).

Return to 2D Mode. Your pic should now look like illustration 1. (If it doesn't - do check that your Even-Odd fill box is checked in the Path Panel/Options!)

4. Click on Edit/Fill/Gradient - and fill with a gradient of your choice with the settings shown.

Note: A gradient with LOTS of colours works best to form defined rings.

5. Click on the Transform Tool/Rotate in Virtual 3D and use your mouse to turn the rings into place (Sliding the mouse upwards on the graphic).

Your rings are made!
Draw the Planet

The ZMerge Tool

The finished planet


6. Using the Path Tool - Shape Circle: Mode-3DRound: draw a circle and fill this with a preset of your choice.

7. Select the rings - Click on the ZMerge Tool and check the box shown.

8. Select the circle - Click on the ZMerge Tool and check the same box.

9. Adjust the placement of the rings if necessary - and there's your planet!
The finished pic
Add a few stars etc and your pic is finished!

Well done!
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This tutorial © Rosie Hardman-Ixer, 2001/2002/2003

If you need any help - or want to make suggestions to improve this tutorial - or for new ones
please EMAIL ME using the link on my Introduction Page.

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This site © Rosie Hardman-Ixer 2001/2/3