You Stole the Show

...the image she'd created....

What did you see when you first saw the lady
- that brought you to your feet and to her side?
Did you see the dying flower 'neath the confidence and power?
Did you see her spirit cower as she tried? Is that why...

You came in from the wings - with all your heart...
and you timed your entrance perfectly, you know!
And though it wasn't planned that you should play a part...
that night you somehow stole the show....

You saw her sell her dreams to a sideshow man...
Watched her wince with pain as she was baited....
Watched as they accused her, trapped - then abused her...
fused her with the image she'd created

And you came in from the wings - with all your heart...
and you timed your entrance perfectly, you know.
And though it wasn't planned that you should play a part...
that night you somehow stole the show....

And what were you to do with the leading lady
when the leading lady'd been so misled?
She called and you heeded though you weren't sure if she needed
your sympathy, your shoulder or your bed....

You just heard her calling and you didn't stop to think
as you threw your lifeline down...
and it caught her up - and you brought her up
'til she was flying ten feet off the ground.......!

You came in from the wings - with all your heart...
and you timed your entrance perfectly, you know!
And though it wasn't planned that you should play a part...
that night you somehow stole the show....
You stole the show ... and you still steal my show....

Lyrics & Music: © Rosie Hardman 1977

...the image she'd created....

Recorded on 'Eagle Over Blue Mountain':
Plant Life Logo
PLR 014


...the leading lady'd been so misled...